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Two Babeland Sex Educators who work in our Seattle store, Ashley Allen and Megan Collier, started out on a 300-mile cycling adventure on Sunday, September 9th as part of Climate Ride, to raise money and awareness for bike advocacy and environmental causes. They are cycling down the California Coast and will arrive in San Francisco on Friday. On Monday, Ashley and Megan rode through Mendocio and were met by Babeland's Marketing Director, Anne. Here's Anne's recap of their highlights so far.

I just got back from seeing our riders, it was so fun! I arrived just as they were biking in from their second day. They’re having a great time, the ride is arduous, but their fellow bikers are kind and encouraging.

Their second day took them through the Avenue of the Giants and the mammoth coastal redwoods. They cracked that they were tempted to stop and take photos of the trees, but if they stopped every time they saw a tree named ‘giant’ or ‘biggest’ they would never have made it to their destination. They were both pleased to have conquered Leggett Hill, which had them climbing 1,000 feet for an overall elevation of nearly 2,000 feet (the highest peak on their route)!

Ashley said a woman asked her if she’d be receptive to some tips on tackling the hill and advised that rather than hunching over the bike and bearing down, you should straighten your torso, which worked well for her and helped with the soreness in her shoulders. I told her this gentle advice reminded me of the way Babeland dispenses sex advice (encouraging and non-intrusive, but sage), and the time that years ago someone told me to breath into your orgasm rather than holding your breath. We had a good laugh over that.

The second part of the day took them along the rugged coast highway, all curves and hills, on a spectacular sunny day and they ended up at Caspar Beach where I met them and treated them to ice cream and a beer overlooking the Pacific Coast on a beautiful day.

They both said the first day was the hardest, but that they feel good physically. Tomorrow they have the option of riding 100 miles (the century ride they call it), and Megan is going for it. They’re blown away by the beauty on the ride.

They said other riders are asking them about Babeland and they’re either very positive or stunned into silence. A gourmet chef has accompanied them so the food’s great, and they get speakers every night before they drop from fatigue. Tomorrow they get up for breakfast at 5:30am! They’re both so happy to be doing this and said they’d do Climate Ride East in a heartbeat!
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