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Viagra for women

Dear Rachel and Claire,
Can you tell me something about a product I've heard of that's a cream similar to Viagra--but for women? Can this product be used safely to increase pleasure?

-Inquiring Mind


Dear Inquiring,

We're going to go with "yes and no" for our response. Lately there has been an absolute deluge of crèmes and potions heralding themselves as the "Viagra for women." Here’s why: last year Pfizer sold $1.7 billion worth of the little blue pill. That is major money, and it doesn't take much brainpower to calculate how much moolah could be made marketing a similar product to the gals.

Of the new rub-on remedies for female lack of desire and arousal that have come through our door, most contain an amino acid that is said to stimulate blood flow. The instructions direct the user to rub it on her clitoris for five minutes. I can’t vouch for the magic ingredient, but I can say that rubbing your clit is a pretty good way to get turned on! So that’s the "yes" part of our response, but rubbing your clit without the goo would probably work just as well, or maybe add a dab of some of our own Babeland Lube.

A lot of these lotions have two things going for them, from a marketing/manufacturing point of view. First, they do not have to go through FDA approval—they enter the market place as herbal remedies that are not subject to scientific review. Second they are often sold through multi-level marketers, so it won't be long before the same cousin that tries to sell you cleaning supplies or long distance service offers to help with your sex life.

Meanwhile, the big boys at the pharmaceutical companies are avidly pursuing prescription based solutions to the Female Sexual Dysfunction problem.

Before becoming dependent on a pharmacist for your pleasure, make sure you’ve tried the classic method—self knowledge and exploration.

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