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Renegade - Mach II Anal Stimulator

Renegade - Mach II Anal Stimulator Image 0
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If you're a wordy type, you'll probably know that the word 'renegade' refers to something that/someone who abandons a set of (usually social) principles.

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If you're a wordy type, you'll probably know that the word 'renegade' refers to something that/someone who abandons a set of (usually social) principles. Mach 2's Prostate Stimulator from ns novelties Renegade line definitely fits the bill, especially if that set of principles discourages or makes anyone feel bad about butt play. Anal forever!

Sliding smoothly into your or your prostate-owning partner's derriere, the super-sleek Mach 2 is tipped by a contoured swell that flows down into lots of curviness below. Shaped strategically to hit every anal sweet spot, Mach 2 also seeks out the sensitive p-spot with ease. The base (which we'll come back to in a moment) features more curviness and contouring that presses against the perineum- an often overlooked but extra pleasurable erogenous zone.

Like any good butt toy, Mach 2 features a big widespread base that essentially anchors to the outside of your/your partner's body to prevent any too-deep slips. You'll be able to play worry free, and also insert, remove and adjust the massager comfortably.
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