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How to Exercise Your PC MusclesThe PC muscles, short for the pubococcygeal muscles (and also knowsn as the Kegel muscles), cradle theinternal sexual organs. They run from the pubic bone to the tailbone ina figure-eight around the genitals. Both women and men can benefitsexually from having a well-toned PC muscle; it can enhance yourexperience of orgasm, improve ejaculatory control, decrease incontinence, among other great benefits.

Exercising your PC muscles is pretty simple, thanks to some basicexercises that we outline here. The beauty of PC exercise isthat you can do it pretty much anywhere: at work, in traffic, browsing the web...

Identifying Your PC Muscles

  1. Imagine you're peeing. Now, squeeze the muscles asif you were stopping the flow of urine. Those are your PC muscles.Now let go and try it again. With this exercise, you're contracting the frontal part of the PC figure-eight.
  2. Squeeze and release. If you're female-bodied, squeezing these muscles with increasingrepetition helps strengthen your vaginal muscles. If you're male-bodied,strengthening this muscle can help you develop greater ejaculationcontrol.
  3. Squeeze, take two. Now squeeze your muscles as if you were trying to preventyourself from passing gas — this is the back part of the PC loop.We all hold too much tension in these muscles; the challenge is tolearn to relax these muscles at will.
  4. Now do the rear squeezes rapidly, five times in a row. Try tobe conscious of relaxing your anus after every squeeze. Try not tosqueeze your thighs, butt or abs — just the PC muscles.

Pumping Iron

Remember, your PC muscles are like any others; it takes time andrepetition to strengthen them. Here are a few variations on Kegelexercises:

  1. Squeeze your frontal PC muscles. Hold them for a count of five, thenrelease. Do five to ten repetitions (or more if that seems too easy). Takea break. Repeat three times. Find the right number that doesn't tireyou out and repeat these three times a day. Next week, add a few more.
  2. Practice these as you are actually urinating. See how many times you can "stop and go" as you pee.
  3. Coordinate your breathing. Inhale slowly as you squeeze and exhale with relaxation.
  4. Squeeze and release rapidly as you do the repetitions. Coordinate this with your breathing.
  5. Suck it up. Imagine you are trying to draw water up into your vagina and anus, and then push it out. Can you isolate these motions?
  6. Add a toy. Many women like the feeling of resistance in their vagina as theydo these exercises. Squeezing a toy, like a dildo, Kegelcisor, or Babeland Silicone Smart Balls, will give you more awareness of your musculature. To use the Babeland Silicone Smart Balls, lube up andinsert one or both balls into your vagina. As you squeeze your PC muscles,gently pull the string while resisting with your PC muscles.
  7. Add the anus. Relax your anal muscles by visualizing that you'rebreathing with your anus (we know it sounds silly, but give gets a try,okay?). Relax your anus more with every anal exhalation.
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