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The Pinch of Pleasure!

How to Play with Nipple Clips

by Julian Robinson

(reprinted with permission from Clean Sheets)

Delightful ClampsMen have nipples, too. And they enjoy having them tweaked, squeezed,pinched, licked, sucked, and bitten just as much as women do. Wouldn'tit be nice to have a custom-made device (like the Delightful Clamps, right) to keep the pressure on thenipple/aureola area while freeing up your eager hands and mouth forother wicked pursuits?

Thus were nipple clips or clamps, aka titclamps, invented. Sure youcan use clothespins, but they tend to grip too hard and who wants tohazard splinters from the wooden variety or cuts from the sharp teethof the plastic type? Alligator clips from Radio Shack? Let's not evengo there. Chip clips have been known to be employed in a pinch, butthey're big and ungainly and look really silly. And neither clothespinsnor chip clips come connected by an attractive chain that's just rightfor grabbing in order to apply a gentle tug or twist, or to lead yourvictim ? I mean your partner ? on a little walkabout.

So why not use the proper tool designed specifically for the job? Babeland just happens to haveseveral excellent varieties in stock to grip those nips just right.

How To

Before attachment, it's a good idea to gauge the pressure to come byaffixing a clamp to the web of skin between your thumb and indexfinger. Don't neglect a thorough warm-up of the area to be clamped.Tease those nips until they're standing proud and tall. (Men's nippleserect, too, only not as much as women's.) You might employ the old pornstar trick of twirling an ice cube with a hole through it around thenipples to perk them right up.

As you'll be constricting (and maybe even temporarily halting) bloodflow to the clamped area, it's a good idea not to leave the clamps onfor more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time. There's another compellingreason to limit duration?they hurt way more coming off than goingon. The feeling of blood returning and nerves springing back in thecompressed region is quite memorable. Or, as subjects have been knownto exclaim upon clamp removal: "Ahhh...errr...arRR...OOOWWWWW!" Thisfact leads to the Nipple Clamp Dilemma: you know they're going to hurtcoming off, so you delay removal, but the longer you delay, the moreit's going to hurt. Did I say "hurt"? I meant to say "produce apowerful sensation centering you in the moment."

Start by clamping as much flesh as possible. Then you can experimentby gradually grabbing less, which concentrates the pressure and thesensation. Be careful not to nip only the very end of the nipple, whichcould cause more severe sensation than you intend, not to mention risktearing the tissue.

Once they're firmly attached, the possibilities for furtherstimulation are limited only by your imagination. Have the clampee holdthe chain in his or her mouth, or attach it to a slave collar or acock ring or a doorknob, with the subject on his or her knees. Hangweights from the clamps. Brush the ends of the nipples with a smallfeather or tease them with the prickly Pinwheel, or your tongue. Try applying avibrator. Babeland even stocks (Nipplettes), also seen at right, which have a built-inmini-vibe.

Try the clamps on different body parts. The male and female genitalsprovide a wealth of sensitive sites suitable for squeezing between theclamps' jaws. Or try the lips, the tongue, the earlobes, theunderarms...

This kind of sensation play is known among the BDSM crowd as TT fortit torture, but it can be as light as you like. People's nipplesensitivity varies greatly, so don't feel wimpy for setting your limitsin the "gentle" range. And whether you like it mild or wild, Babelandstocks the perfect model to satisfy your nipple-clipping needs.

Selection Factors

Some factors to consider when deciding which model to try:

  1. Is the force adjustable, i.e. can the clamps be adjusted to pinch harder or softer?
  2. Are they designed to fit around a prominent, protrudingsmall-diameter target (better suited to a woman's erect nipples) or arethey capable of grabbing a good chunk of less prominent nipple andsurrounding flesh (better suited to the male anatomy)?
  3. Do they have a non-punitive gripping surface? You want pressure, not abrasion.
  4. Do they grip securely? Nothing's more annoying than when thenipple clamps keep falling off every time you give them a little yank.
  5. Are they relatively easy to apply and remove? Attaching a smallclamp to a pinch of flesh is never going to be a simple operation, butit shouldn't require hours of practice, either.

The Products

Lavish Nipple Clamps

Lavish Nipple ClampsA very popular model for use on women's prominent nipples, TweezerClamps are the most comfortable and least threatening-looking type.And by using a tweezer style such as the Lavish Nipple Clamps, you get the functionality of tweezer clamps with all the style of your favorite jewels. Slim and elegant,they clasp rather than clamp, applying adjustable tension which dependson sliding a small ring closer or further from the nipple. (They're abit tricky to fasten, especially if you have large fingers, and mayslip off a few times before you get the hang of them.)

A favorite of female test subject Rebecca, they're best forbeginners and the "gentle" crowd. The way their narrow,plastic-covered, curved wire ends close around the base of the nipples,they leave the nipples' tips readily available for further stimulationby other means.

Clover Clamps

Clover ClampsBabeland's version of the timeless classic Clover Clamps is superb.They're big and sturdy and very pretty in a fiendish-torture-instrumentkind of way. My guess is that they got their name because the clamp'sbody has four open sections between articulated arms that diabolicallyapply part of any tugging force on the chain toward tightening theclamps' pressure.

The basic pressure (without tugging) is not adjustable and I'd rateit as medium hard. This model has very effective gripper pads,consisting of mini rubber discs with bumps. Once they're on, they stayon, but they don't abrade. Very easy to apply and ideal for grabbing agood chunk of flesh surrounding and including the male nipple. Havingjust removed them, I want to say that my nipples are still singing.

Rebecca immediately safeworded on these, as her comfort range is"gentle," but Clover Clamps should be an excellent choice for anyonewho likes it rough.

Nipplettes Vibrating Clamps

Nipplettes Vibrating ClampsA breakthrough of technical ingenuity applied to getting you off?and what nobler goal could there be? At first glance, these clampsappear to be one of the standard versions?alligator-type with anadjusting screw limiting how tightly they bite?with attachedcylindrical weights. But push the button control, and they start to hum, adding a compellingvibratory stimulus to the already constricted nipple that elevates thenipple clamping experience into the realm of the unforgettable.

Versatile is the word for the Nipplettes. Rebecca immediatelydiscovered a dual-use for these as a mini-vibrator without clamping,when the barrel section is applied directly to the clitoris. Themaximum setting is plenty strong enough for this toy to serve doubleduty in your small cache of essential travel companions.

Babeland thoughtfully supplies the Nipplettes fully loaded withthree watch batteries apiece (make sure to remove the plasticinsulating disks) plus an extra six batteries for when the first setruns out.

A further bonus is the highly amusing warning/disclaimer sheet inthe package. You'll have minutes of fun trying to figure out the reasonfor the inscrutable advice: "This product is not intended for use as acontraceptive/birth control." And how about "stop using if pain occurs"and "misuse may result in swelling of the clitoris"? Isn't that thewhole point?

�2005 by Julian Robinson

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